What is a Michigan Paneled Provider?
A Paneled Provider is a mental health therapist, who has a master’s degree in a mental health related field, has completed thirty hours of specific gambling treatment training and has met additional criteria set by the State of Michigan. Only these providers can receive reimbursement for therapy with a gambler, significant other or family member from the State funds.
Where does the money come from to pay for therapy?
The Michigan Department of Community Health, through the Bureau of Substance Abuse and Addictive Services (BSAAS) administers the Michigan Problem Gambling Program. They have a contract with the Neighborhood Service Organization Gambling Treatment Program and Help-Line. They receive approximately 3.2 million dollars (varies according to profits) from the three Detroit Casinos, the Horse Tracks and Michigan Lottery.To learn more about the BSAAS go to www.michigan.gov/mdch.
How can I become a Michigan Paneled Provider?
Call Lori Mello at HMSA at 313-596-8728
What happens when I call the Problem Gambling Helpline 800-270-7117?
A trained helpline worker will answer your call. He or she will ask you for your contact information. Then they will ask some questions about your gambling. These questions will help you identify the severity of your problem. They will not judge you or make disparaging remarks. They will invite you to hold on the line and they will call a Paneled Provider in your area. They will connect you with that person or give you the Providers phone number and location. They will also tell you the location of the closest GA meeting. All information is protected under the Federal HIPPA act.
Why did this happen to me/my family member?
Much like other addictions, some people are more susceptible to developing a gambling problem. You have taken the first step in dealing with the problem by seeking information about the problem so that you can change the current situation.
How many other people have this problem?
In 2006, MDCH conducted a statewide survey through Western Michigan University on gambling behaviors in Michigan. The survey reports that 2% of all Michigan residents currently have a gambling problem and that 4.1% have had this problem at some point during their life. That number represents about 300,000 Michigan residents.
Will treatment work?
Treatment will be successful to the extent that the problem gambler follows the treatment plan goals that are developed with their counselor. Attending GA meetings is an important part of their treatment. Outcome studies indicate treatment success rates of more than fifty percent.
What support system is there for problem gamblers and their families?
Support groups (Gamblers Anonymous and Gam-Anon) exist in many communities to help gamblers and their families. Links to these organizations and their meetings are available on in the link to resources on this web site. There are other resources such as books, videos and websites you may find helpful.
What other things can a gambler do to stop gambling?
If the gambling problem is associated with casino gambling, there is a program called Dissociated Persons list. By registering with the Michigan Gaming Control Board you can ban yourself from the three commercial casinos in Detroit. Some Native American casinos have their own exclusion programs. You can contact the MGCB by going to their web site www.michigan.gov /mgcb. They have offices in East Lansing and Detroit at the casinos. The phone numbers are 517-241-0040 and 313-456-4100.
If the gambling problem involves Internet gambling, software (Gamblock) is available that blocks access to all Internet gambling sites. www.gamblock.com